Course Goals:
The aim of this course is to teach neutron interaction mechanisms with the matter, neutron production during the application of the nuclear technology. This course serves to gain the necessary information on the neutron detection and measurement especially for thermal and epitermal neutrons as well as fast neutron detector.
Course Learning Outcomes:
To be aware of the localization of the organs allows finding true targets easily and avoids unnecessary reprocesses. Information in images that are used for treatment are crucial for determination of treatment target.
Course Subjects:
- To come under review basic nuclear physics concepts.
- Nuclear reactions, reaction kinematic, fission.
- Neutron production and mechanisms, neutron sources, research reactors.
- Neutron interactions.
- Slow neutron detection methods.
- Neutron detectors; operation principles and features.
- Fast neutron detection methods, operation principles of detectors.
- Passive detectors: activation foils(for thermal and fast neutrons).
- Reactor physics basic concepts and reactor materials.