Rusya, Moskova’da Haziran, Temmuz ve Ağustos aylarında düzenlenecek olan 3 Uluslararası Okulun Etkinlik duyuruları aşağıdaki gibidir:
I. 23. International summer school on radiochemistry: «Radioactive waste management: technologies, practice», 23.06.2025-02.07.2023 – submit by May 1, 2025.
The themes:
- Modern Russian and international experience in the field of radioactive waste experience;
- Leading technological practices.
II. International summer school on radiochemistry: «Radiopharmaceutical chemistry: technologies, Russian and international practices, scientific approach», 21.07.2025-30.07.2025 – submit by May 1, 2025.
The themes:
- Modern technologies in the field of nuclear medicine;
- Radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic, therapy and theranostics
III. International school on Ecology: «Ecology: technologies, objects of accumulated environmental damage, waste management, Russian and world practice», 18.08.2025-27.08.2025 – submit by May 1, 2025.
The themes:
- The modern experience of Russia in the field of waste management;
- Technologies;
- Methods;
- Accumulated environmental damage;
- Arctic problems
The organizers of the Schools are:
- The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
- Chemistry department of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
ROSATOM offers a number of grants for the participants. The grants cover registration fee and accommodation (a hotel*). The grants are awarded on a competitive basis to applicants who meet the following requirements:
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in chemistry or natural science
- Good command of English
- Submit by May 1, 2025 by filling in the registration form on the Schools’ website (NB – in case you would like to participate in more than 1 program please register for every school independently) and a motivation letter (500-1000 words).
In case a candidate does not get the grant, the registration fee is USD 750. The registration fee does not include accommodation.
For more details and registration please visit our web site :
(*) – If a candidate wins 2 or 3 grants to participate in 2 or 3 schools, the accommodation is provided only for the duration of each school. The accommodation in breaks between the schools are not covered with the grants.